oh so visual II

People. stand up and give me some listen. There's some kickass mighty awesomish research going on the west coat of US. check this out --> collegehumor
The video is a demonstration about microsoft's new products - seadragon and photo synth. The reason I am so kicked about this technology is its potential to revolutionise the way we perceive and organize digital information. This has humongous sociological implications.
Seadragon essentially aims to change the way we use screens, from wall-sized displays to mobile devices, so that visual information can be smoothly browsed regardless of the amount of data involved or the bandwidth of the network. It promises :
  1. Speed of navigation is independent of the size or number of objects.
  2. Performance depends only on the ratio of bandwidth to pixels on the screen.
  3. Transitions are smooth as butter.
  4. Scaling is near perfect and rapid for screens of any resolution.
Combine this with Photosynth which takes a large collection of photos of a place or an object, analyzes them for similarities, and displays them in a reconstructed three-dimensional space.

With Photosynth you can:

  • Walk or fly through a scene to see photos from any angle.
  • Seamlessly zoom in or out of a photo whether it's megapixels or gigapixels in size.
  • See where pictures were taken in relation to one another.
  • Find similar photos to the one you're currently viewing.
  • Send a collection - or a particular view of one - to a friend.
and thirdly, check out microsoft Surface . It seems microsoft is set to change the way we perceive, organize and experience content and conversation. Though google and yahoo have a lead in terms of accessing and searching information.

Now pause for a minute there, and try and ponder how this will effect us. Digital natives would lap it up all once its accessible (by that i mean, price, ubiquity and cost to system in memory and processor speed). Switching from one content to another would be seamlessly, organically, easy. and hence there are even more possibilities of new kinds of mashups and whole new kind of content creation. the archiving and bookmarking of content would take on a life of its own, and there is finally a real possibility of co creation.

I am told not to go Marshall Mclluhanish for this blog, but I can't help it here.. :P
This tech when accessible will lead to fundamental changes to the way we think, since text would no longer be central to out 'literacy'. and hence the hegemony of the lettered man over the unlettered one would be a lil weaker. :D Here probably my socialist romanticism is taking me ahead of myself, but its a true possibility that the notion of literacy and ability to think would be freed of the shackles of linear logic of west, a manifestation of text. There could be real resurgence of eastern logic in mainstream. (Though in today's world, we are increasingly dependent and using visual cues and sanitizing the rest of the senses. Its as if we don't want to smell anything at all, everything everywhere is so sanitized. I guess, in the course of evolution Japanese would be the first ones to lose their nose :P. I don't know of taste- if we are tasting more or less tastes than earlier- but we are definitely sanitizing the sense of touch as well. Sexuality and physical touch being incriminated, and the nucleated relations maintained across concrete walls through digital airwaves.)
Ok, and what would be the immediate imperatives.
since one can pack in more information in the 'screen real estate', there will be a fundamental change in the way one navigates through information.
this will lead to even more of information hunger, cause there is a little uncertainty associated with this interface as to 'have i missed something'. since more and more information is packed it the screen. Though, this aggregation will help to make sense of even complex stuff, so comprehension of visual data would be much more enhanced. and in these uncertainties lies the commercial ad opportunity, if the ad is rich and valuable in info.

Social use for social media could be possible at public spaces, making digital ecosphere truly ubiquitous. (since according to these guys, Four-fifths of the world population will carry mobile Internet devices within five to 10 years and within five years everything that matters to you will be available on a device that fits on your belt or in your purse.) and the prophecy might turn true with social network and social media ubiquitous like air.


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