The Digital Ecosphere - II

The digital Ecosphere is made up of all the electronic gadgetry that helps people to stay connected to others, that helps them access and experience the media and content(entertainment, information) and that that helps them make life a bit easier in general due to digital intervention.
So the improved refrigerator that communicates to your cell phone when the milk carton is empty is a part of digital ecosphere, however the traditional refrigerator is not. For our purpose here, we would assume the digital ecosphere to be made up of digital devices that have components of communication and content creation/delivery only.
Every one has its own ecosphere defined by the individual usage. So, one might prefer watching TV, but someone else might use TIVO or computer to watch the same content. Thus the importance of various devices differ with users.
Lets try to understand this through the concept of 'personal circuit'. personal circuits are unique and habitual behavior patterns of media consumption across preferred media distribution channels, technology platforms and content types.
The three forces that have the most significant impact on the formation and appearance of an individual’s Personal Circuit are the location, distribution channel and frequency of an individual’s preferred content or activity.

Location: Places where the digital native uses digital devices: at home, at work or “on-the-go.”
At home: The digital ecosphere that pervades one at home consists maximum of digital devices amongst the three. along with leisure and entertainment devices, there are utilitarian devices and communication ones. The digital native 't be concerned much with the second category. DNs though are heavy users of communication and entertainment devices. we will explore the details more later. The possible devices used during being at home are:
Cell phone, phone, TV, PC(chat, email, IM, movies, music, books, whatever!), music system, game consoles, etc

on the move : on the move one has constraints of time and space and thus only mobile devices come to play here. The device most preferred is cell phone, though the other devices could be portable music player, electronic book reader, laptop etc.

At work/school : cell phone, PC/laptop, portable music system, etc. There is constraint of rules, mobility or space at these places and thus the usage of the devices at these places is defined.


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