the god is a waiter.

life escapes if you run after it. our destiny is nothing but to wait.
a lesson fell through after having lived a quarter century worth of life. a quarter century. feels like a lot, when u say that. but doesn't really when i ask myself.
a quarter century spent without any respect or regard to act of waiting. always, kicked it out of the way. or if the wait became far too imposing to avoid, i would recede back into a cocoon made of some other time and space.
but even escapes become boring.
waiting caught up with me. there is no escaping it.
i await.
i think, god is a waiter after all. he waits upon us to serve us life lessons. he waits until we appreciate the act of waiting. he holds our life until we calm down from our frenzy. and then hands the reins back to us when we can handle it, that is when the mirage of control is lifted and calm consumes you.
i now understand, so to say, why have i had this desire to work as a waiter since quite a few years. it was freedom i thought earlier. it was the calm emancipation i thought some time later. i think its just aiming for godliness now. :P


Ankita said…

nicely written and quite a profound thought!

ya, we cant run faster than time, we have to call that gap a 'wait'. god grants something only when its tym has come. I feel world is a videogame and god is an expert player!

keep writing!
Ajinkya said…

that gap can be wait.. or it could be something else.. its the choice that matters.

its wonderful that you think that god is just a player.. though an expert in the game. so he isnt the creator?
AS said…
we can call that gap a wait, for we know we'll get that thing after a delay. ya god is the creater too!
ou phrontis said…
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ou phrontis said…
I like what you say about even escape becoming boring.

& what I like about waiting, are the surprises you find yourself with. sometimes, if you're lucky :)

I really like how you put the thoughts into words... its like instant identifications sometimes :)
Strider said…
not that this is not well written, not that the thought embedded in those words isnt touching enough, not that I do not seek the calmness (shanti), but waiting?
I am not so sure...
when most of our doings and thoughts are controlled by mechanisms inbuilt in our design, who's workings we are not aware of, which make us follow patterns and our guides behavior along the lines drawn by our evolution, i am not sure if we know anything at all.......
Ajinkya said…
exactly! and think a little ahead where u left off..
there is no point in trying to ask whys and hows.. i mean, apart from for our intellectual amusement.
whats essential for a good life is, to appreciate it, for what it is. the moment one accepts it, things start making sense..
questions are fun way to lead a life, but shouldn't become shields against accepting life. rather they should be tools to enlarge it. waiting helps.
Strider said…
but isnt that giving up on yourself?
i mean, do you really think you have become what you have become without asking questions? without doing something about the problems at hand? just by waiting? can you extend that logic to humnan kind? do you think we (as a species on this tiny lil rock going around a small star) have come to be what we are by waiting and not doing anything about anything? this can be no more than a persons apathy towards trying. no matter what the reason is. god helps who help them seleves they say. accepting life is one thing and not doing anything to change that, not trying to improve is another.
i am not saying denial is the way to go. i dont not undermine the importance of help from other agencies. but just waiting, i m not so sure..
Strider said…
further thoughts....
i do see your point you know....
the calm of waiting calmly, content with what one has is tempting...
but something in me wont let me do it...
there is still something to burn in me i guess
Ajinkya said…
what u say, makes perfect sense. i am not denying that one should keep on chiseling at one's self to refine and change that can be changed.
but there has to be an appreciation that not everything is in your hand, or should be in your hand.
our life is enmeshed with a lot of different people, different things that we don't appreciate fully, however we do exercise our changes on them. this is not desirable.

i think a line that has stuck with me since a few months could sum it up well. there's this old guy who tells a crook on run 'Hope is for people who do not already live in grace.'
u know, there's that balance.. that waiting helps achieve. waiting helps appreciate. waiting and faith helps achieve grace.
Strider said…
its like i lack a sense or organ or brain part that processes it...
its frustrating.....
i needs to be humbled...
need a guru....
inquisitiveguurl said…
hey, i liked reading the conversation between you guys..what can i say, nicely written...made me think!!
Ajinkya said…
thanx. that is the greatest complement. :)
Ajinkya said…
what u say, makes perfect sense. i am not denying that one should keep on chiseling at one's self to refine and change that can be changed.
but there has to be an appreciation that not everything is in your hand, or should be in your hand.
our life is enmeshed with a lot of different people, different things that we don't appreciate fully, however we do exercise our changes on them. this is not desirable.

i think a line that has stuck with me since a few months could sum it up well. there's this old guy who tells a crook on run 'Hope is for people who do not already live in grace.'
u know, there's that balance.. that waiting helps achieve. waiting helps appreciate. waiting and faith helps achieve grace.
Ajinkya said…
thanx. that is the greatest complement. :)

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