on 'purity'

on our bike trip to Mt. Abu, we visited 'brahmakumaris' centre as well. man! the prime real estate they were sitting on.. its obscene. well, whats more obscene is the importance they attach to the concept of 'purity'. I have come to absolutely abhore this concept, that has no sound philosophical basis and is championed by almost all religious zealots in defence of their every act.
What is this purity? its a mechanism of guilt induction into gullible souls. its a mechanism of injecting doubt about oneself. An assymetry of information is absolutely essential for this concept to exist. there will be someone to tell you what you are to do to absolve oneself of impurities. The implicit hierarchy here means that you must submit your individuality and freedom to think for yourself, and instead play dumb charades to the tune of some dumb fucks masquerading as gurus/preachers/teachers/whatever.

i know of horror stories born of 'purity'. where relationships were irrationally severed and lifes wrecked. i don't think i need to elaborate on the hindu apparatus of 'purity' and hows its such a big evil.

people are usually drawn by the utter peace that such institutions give a sense of, the ever present smiles of the attendants. well, thats not the particular religion/sect/whatever at work, its 'creation of space' and faith of the followers that creates that effect. As I had said earlier, it doesnt really matter what u place ur faith on. all that matters is that faith be strong enough. So even the possibly misplaced and devoid-of-thought faith of the followers could lend them that peace.
whats the point of peace that is a product of ignorance? shouldn't it be a journey through oneself, a journey of self questioning, of self destruction if the need be, and consequent self creation.

purity is for water and lenses. don't let anyone tell u shit about purity.


Strider said…
is the comment above spam?
man they've got sensible code!
any whoo

dont you think, we never really defined purity? forget about real/unreal. what the heck is it supposed to be? just like "perfect" (or "imperfect")....
what is it?
logic would say, you can judge about it only if you can define it precisely....
and thats the thing which isnt done or bothered about.
ppl have concepts of purity or any other virtue learnt through tradition, family "sanskar", social conditioning and their perception of the message of prophets.
now heres where the dumb pretentious fucks u talked about come in picture. offering salvation on silver platter! and all you have to do is submit to a philosophy(?) which has all the visual signs of goodness. you may not really get enlightened but there usually is no harm either. think from perspective of an individual. beat by labour of existing in the society, pressed by cutural, social, family obligations. where does he/she find the time/energy/help to do all the thinkin otherwise? and really, who needs it?
i may keep babbling bullshit.
all i wanted to say is....
you can not expect everyone to take the red pill....
it would be nice though
and i completely agree with all your views
Ajinkya said…
@about first comment. exactly. that is why the comment is still there. brilliant code!

i learnt a few (yes)things while doing this MBA. among them was the maxim that 'what can be measured can be managed'. for a universe consisting of an individual, all measurements are possible, the problem arises when the benchmarking is to be done at the intersections of infinitude of individual universes. and by turning essentially an individual journey into a packaged tours to inner peace, religious institutions bind people together and pushes through Milan Kundera's 'the border'.

btw, about ur argument that institutions help individuals by outsourcing their spiritual journey to the institutions, promising a certain peaceful destination; don't u think there's something massively fucked up about it. These are the things that define life, that creates path for life. if someones else is defining that for u, then its not ur life, now is it?
now u may say, that not everyone can think for themselves. or even think at all for that matter. but then again, I believe that we misunderstand other's universe. our world is as big or small as our thoughts and imaginations.
In my view Bubba from Forrest Gump who knew everything about shrimps is equal to Einstein who lent fresh eyes to see through the world. They filled their world with their own quests and comprehension. and led their lives, the way they saw fit. some need assistance, and get it and there's nothing wrong in that. atleast they should control where they need assistance, that is all.
Strider said…
##atleast they should control where they need assistance, that is all.##

and they do, dont they?
as i said at the end of my comment i completely agree with views. and i agree that outsourcing ones spirituality to an institution is fucked up.
but people do that by choice!
they need that assistance and they get it. there is nothing wrong in that. people who claim to be thinkers (you and i?) do the same on some other levels. with some other labels. more prestigeous may be.....
i do not think following ones favoured institution/philosophy/school of thought can be regarded as wrong only because you dont agree with them.
if the concept of purity is under question and you intend to clense it of all the unwanted buildup of nonsense norms and rituals then providing the right institution to becon is the thing to do.
Ajinkya said…
i guess, i have simply come to be skeptical and wary of any institution and uniformity of thought. though its essential at a certain level. U know there's an underlying assumption here that people are not equal. there are a few who are cabable of thinking. and the majority who aren't. I hate to think of it to be as the truth. So i prefer anarchy instead, it atleast then strips bare the world of false illusions that institutes might create. the world then would truly be wysiwyg.

about purity. institutions should not be based on non manageable constructs. in such scenarios, they are bound to be misused.
Strider said…
##atleast they should control where they need assistance, that is all.##

and they do, dont they?
as i said at the end of my comment i completely agree with views. and i agree that outsourcing ones spirituality to an institution is fucked up.
but people do that by choice!
they need that assistance and they get it. there is nothing wrong in that. people who claim to be thinkers (you and i?) do the same on some other levels. with some other labels. more prestigeous may be.....
i do not think following ones favoured institution/philosophy/school of thought can be regarded as wrong only because you dont agree with them.
if the concept of purity is under question and you intend to clense it of all the unwanted buildup of nonsense norms and rituals then providing the right institution to becon is the thing to do.
Strider said…
is the comment above spam?
man they've got sensible code!
any whoo

dont you think, we never really defined purity? forget about real/unreal. what the heck is it supposed to be? just like "perfect" (or "imperfect")....
what is it?
logic would say, you can judge about it only if you can define it precisely....
and thats the thing which isnt done or bothered about.
ppl have concepts of purity or any other virtue learnt through tradition, family "sanskar", social conditioning and their perception of the message of prophets.
now heres where the dumb pretentious fucks u talked about come in picture. offering salvation on silver platter! and all you have to do is submit to a philosophy(?) which has all the visual signs of goodness. you may not really get enlightened but there usually is no harm either. think from perspective of an individual. beat by labour of existing in the society, pressed by cutural, social, family obligations. where does he/she find the time/energy/help to do all the thinkin otherwise? and really, who needs it?
i may keep babbling bullshit.
all i wanted to say is....
you can not expect everyone to take the red pill....
it would be nice though
and i completely agree with all your views

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