
Except for the 2 days of the event, my stay @ delhi was utterly kickass. met up with a friend, roamed around delhi a lot, got to know so many new things. it was good. :D and out of this trip was born this video.
on the gates of the North Block in Delhi are inscripted these words "Liberty will not descend to a people. A people must raise themselves to liberty. It is a blessing that must be earned before it can be enjoyed. " You go around the city of delhi, the capital of the biggest democracy in the world and you come accross stark polarities. On one side there's Janpath and then there's lanes of chandi chowk.
am trying to make a statement here about liberty and our role in achieving it. Like the video @ chandni chowk is interspersed with pics of fire.. essentially telling of our civic responsibility towards a safer place for ourselves. The common man's apathy who walks by but does not act. The helpless people at the bottom of the pyramid who can only afford to watch as the world crumbles in front of their eyes. Amidst this, there's hope, the visuals of Jama Masjid, the tranquililty, the liberty that our indenpendence struggle has granted us, shall help us soar once more.


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