We are living on Mars

When man colonises Mars in movies, he/she/it wears those bulky astronaut suits and smothers our ears with the sound of it breathing. It steps heavily into vacuum sealed building. The doors shut tight behind it, a tad bit menacingly. There is a finality to that sound of door shutting. No going out any time soon now. And when it opens the helmet, a sweaty head emerges, happy with its contact to  air-conditioned air.

Back in the living again. There is death outside - One breath of outside air or exposure to harsh sun and its your end. No wonder, the astronauts spend almost all of their time inside man made buildings. They aren't out 'enjoying the nature' or exploring new things always. They are instead preserving themselves everyday. Just like us Delhites (or broadly speaking NCRites).

It is the first year in my life that I have an AC in my house. And every time I rush into the bedroom from the kitchen, I feel like I am Matthew McConaughey from Interstellar. The killer heat might catch up to me. Earlier, I would bare the heat in the summer (some weekends when I was not traveling in the hills or enjoying the air conditioned environs of office) by shutting down part of my brain and lying comatose. well, almost.

Who wants to put up with deadly weather, right?
Come summer (Or winter), some of the poorest among us die of extreme weather, and some of the richest among us burn a lot of carbon fuel to keep ACs/ heaters running.

Those who can afford it, why should we put up with this hell hole?. Lets go back to the planet earth. Bye bye Mars.


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