our love
was a bastard child
you were strong
and held your earlier one to your bosom
with strength of mountains
the merry little one
you wish could have
remained in womb
never to come out.
you refuse to kill it
and wish to keep it away
the bastard has a soul too
it would rather die than be orphaned
let it crawl back
into you and dissolve
in your heart
it will be reborn
on the new day
of someone else.
was a bastard child
you were strong
and held your earlier one to your bosom
with strength of mountains
the merry little one
you wish could have
remained in womb
never to come out.
you refuse to kill it
and wish to keep it away
the bastard has a soul too
it would rather die than be orphaned
let it crawl back
into you and dissolve
in your heart
it will be reborn
on the new day
of someone else.