In search of uniform

india is a free country. we are free to conform.

1. Khar Road Railway station - 10-15 women are squatting on the platform. curiously all are carrying exactly similar bags. grey squarish bags with black straps. quite fashionable actually in that abstract expensive way. i thought bulk deals only happened in MICA.

2. Santacruz Railway Station - strangely many men are wearing the dirty bronze colored full sleeves shirt. the shirt uniformly not tucked in. the cuffs linked. Surreal.

3. popeye - i don't get this at all... all of a sudden the market is flooded with shirts with popeye pictures.. t-shirts, collared shirts.. they are un-escapable. go to colaba's narrow galli fashion streets, all stalls will have a popeye T. which company is dumping all these popeyes on mumbai's youth? why popeye?

4. grown men in half pajamas and full sleeved untucked plain shirts. so many people adhering to this code. the color of shirt is usually light.. cream or version thereabout. these are mostly labourers. what confounds me, if they wear half pants for comfort, why are they wearing full sleeved shirts without even rolling them up?


AS said…
yup! by nature we all love similarity, it gives us a sense of security and safety....most pple prefer to stick some group norms, one or two who dont are termed as outlawish or in a positive sense leaders
Ajinkya said…
i had posted the same post twice.. so deleted it.
AS said…
yup! by nature we all love similarity, it gives us a sense of security and safety....most pple prefer to stick some group norms, one or two who dont are termed as outlawish or in a positive sense leaders

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