
I usually seek creativity in form, innovation at structural/conceptual level. So, though i appreciate content, its usually the medium that attracts me more. Thats perhaps the reason these days I am heavily into digging for good installations. I have mentioned my love for work of Olafur eliasson earlier. But then we come across works which are simple and yet so profoundly creative.
Yesterday, I saw Anuradha Thakur's exhibit at Jehangir Art Gallery. The first bias set in due to her choice of theme. She has depicted adivasis and their cultures through her work, something which I am keenly interested in appreciating. What really attracts you to her work is her choice of colours. The colors are so natural to indian sensibilities and yet its as if its a new discovery. I haven't seen use of these colors and combination thereof in recent art works. to get an idea of these colors, take out crayons from your sons/daughters/nephew's color boxes and start mixing.
Apart from division of spaces, the choice of colors and combinations thereof, it seems to me, is a good indication of the maturity of the artist. S. H. Raza symbolizes that clarity, the focus that makes art sublime. hmm... if only i could afford his work! :P
The other thing that is noteworthy of her paintings is her choice of black or dark colors to describe human features. its as if, humans are the blank alien travellers in the world of colors. its amazing on several levels.. the painting while being about the people, is also in a way, putting them in transience with apparent shift of focus to surroundings. the surrouding nature, social complexes thus standing out while forming a backdrop. certainly a wonderful balance is sought here.
also, exhibited were the works of Prafull Sawant. his series of work with depiction of pensive women were brilliant. excellent artmanship. the emotions come alive with his mastery with light and shadows. in one of his paintings he depicted reflection and light wonderfully. its a pleasure to see such work.
but, more importantly, his work reminded me of the great tradition of water color paintings of maharashtra. I have had the good fortune of seeing many excellent works depicting the beautiful landscapes of maharasthra in water colors over the years. Sawant's work adds to this body of work.


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