
listen to this track..
turn down lights. switch off everything around you. sit in a corner. preferably with friends at the tail end of a party. drinks would be good, but are wholly unnecessary. close your eyes. and just listen.
muse has this enigmatic energy about every single track of theirs. but blackout stands out for its ethereal calmness that masks the contained energy within. the lingering vocals hold you and take you with it to a world different from here and now.I love muse's music. it in a way questions and then celebrates our existence. the music has fatality to it. the music struggles and fights the inner commotions and eventually rises supreme over every other thought.
Another musician whose music is shaped with forces of fatality and virility in celebration of our existence is Rob Dougan. listen to his 'one and the same' track from album 'furious angels'. or the more famous and one of the best tracks ever 'Clubbed to death'. (even the vid is one of the most inspirational vids in a long time.) the music as if fights and lifts from the mundane and shines.. shines with the brilliance that needs no testimonies, shines with brilliance thats rare and pure and most importantly honest. its tattered at edges, its real and at the same time its as if from another world.
This music singularly flows from a conviction, from a faith so strong that the world flows around it into a salute of eventual acceptance.

please muse and Rob Dougan.. never stop creating music. please. we need you.


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