Why I repair my shoe

I have 3 shoes. One formal, One sport shoe and another a mix of the two. The last one is particularly awesome, cause of its uniqueness. It looks like a formal shoe, but is as comfortable and flexible as a sport shoe. I bought it for my first job in Mumbai. I was newly rich and was expected to behave like one. I found this gem of pure black leather in a Colaba Causeway showroom. Quite a find. But its been almost two years now and the shoe shows its age. For all its awesomeness, its quite a weak shoe, to give out so early. I have stitched it, got new laces, and strengthened its sole. It doesn't look shiny anymore cause the leather has suffered from a few hostile trespasses. I think, like a man, things too should be allowed to carry their scars. Shiny scar-less men are just so... irrelevant. 

Since childhood, I have been used to using things for long times. Clothes, equipments, shoes etc. I can't just throw things away cause they don't look as good anymore or they don't work just as smoothly anymore. Over time, things become mine. By that I mean, though I might not take proper care of them, they are very much part of my life. I can't disown them easily. I will keep on using them. I will repair and reuse them. And at the end, they will go to bin, but not without having lived out their complete life.
I hate ridiculous wastage of things, just cause they are out of fashion or not shiny anymore. I hate apple and all electronic gadgetry that doesn't lend to up-gradation and repair. Unless left with no choice, I will never use any thing that can't be repaired or can't be upgraded.
I refuse to contribute to the ridiculous pillaging of earth in the name of fashion.
I refuse to rescue the idiotic economy of this world by mindless consumption.
I refuse to judge a person just because he wears shiny new things or can't afford them.
I refuse to being dumbed down & to shrink my world through simplistic vision of consumption alone. My world is not the malls or the GDP. My world is not the drugged and numb TV programming. My world is not idiotic jingoism.
I shall be a smiling passerby through all of it. Bearing it cuz there's no escaping it. But not accepting it one bit. I am not going to be touched and devoured by it.
In business meeting you might see my shoe not shiny enough for your liking. Well, I know that smirk. And now notice my beaming face. Its a statement saying I don't give a fuck for what you think. I pity your inability to judge a person by anything but their appearance. I wear my scarred shoe proudly.


Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
and what did she say?
-Anonymous for kicks
Ajinkya said…
its a puzzle really. i didn't delete the comment.
@pallavi can u comment again pls. guess my account is hacked.
AS said…

nice but quite a passionate post :P

thats right, appearances deceive ..
I hate wastage as well.. like the post overall
Fleurette said…
Absolutely thought-provoking, I must say.. and while I'm trying to become like you, I also see the beauty in scarred and aged items. I have succeed in paring down my wardrobe and I don't feel like I need more. And I think I only have 4 or 5 shoes.
Ajinkya said…
thats lovely. :)
wouldn't it be lovely to be in a world where people do not carry the weight of worry about their appearance all the time?
and thus do not become a burden to the world's resources as well?
Fleurette said…
agreed! especially with the latter. i wish people could be less ignorant about their consumption and how it affects the world.
Hi Ajinkya

I love your thoughts on this, it takes real strength to go against the grain in matters of consumerism. Well done :)

Let us coexist said…
I love this post. Your je m'en fou-tism is quite refreshing among all these (over)consuming bloggers!
Just like you I try to take care of my most beloved items since I do wear them a lot. I want my wardrobe to ripe, like a good wine does with the years.
Ajinkya said…
thanks for appreciation :D great stuff with your blog. am trying to figure out my retirement with your formula now. :)

Hey thanks :D
firstly for that awesome french phrase.. am sure going to use it soon. :P
second, for the kickass Kinks song on your post.
third, ofcourse for appreciating my post.
cheers. :)
Let us coexist said…
It's a take-out of one of my favorite songs by The Knife. ;-)
Aparna said…
hahaha, i like this one :)
waise you wont believe that things really outlive their expected lives if they belong to me - have clothes dating back 10 years :)
Ajinkya said…
well, and my first sem yellow T-shirt is legendary. had to stop using it fearing ridicule :P
Anonymous said…
Loved it. And well, another one of your breed here. :)
Ajinkya said…
well, and my first sem yellow T-shirt is legendary. had to stop using it fearing ridicule :P
Hi Ajinkya

I love your thoughts on this, it takes real strength to go against the grain in matters of consumerism. Well done :)

Fleurette said…
agreed! especially with the latter. i wish people could be less ignorant about their consumption and how it affects the world.
Ajinkya said…
thats lovely. :)
wouldn't it be lovely to be in a world where people do not carry the weight of worry about their appearance all the time?
and thus do not become a burden to the world's resources as well?
thejinxedone said…
:) good .. i plan to start a cult out of the 'repairers' really. :D

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