Why are you laughing?

"why are you laughing?"
Laughter can be the pin that deflates egos. Whether it was intended or not.
The laughter is merely the trigger. It can only deflate egos that are outsized, stretching beyond the reality of self. the one sticking to the skin of self-awareness, doesn't get punctured by anything.

At moments like these, laughter is the sound of punctured egos.


"Why are you laughing?"
For a mind that tries to see more, it finds reasons to be amused by.
There's the amusingly drunk ant. There's that ever so slight tilt of the wall (or maybe the ground?).
There's that scent from someone's perfume that reminds you of the time you threw up the first time you drank. There's an accent which makes you curious. There's that sideways glance your colleague does mid-sentence, that alerts you to your own body's impulse of betraying you when you bluff. There's that profound absurdity of staring at glowing rectangles all day. There's the awesome gigantic-ness of forests, mountains, stars and galaxies. There's... so much.
A laughter escapes at such moments. That's another of those betrayals by our bodies.

At moments like these, laughter is the sound that escapes when one gets a momentary glimpse of reality through the cracks of our constructed life.


"Why are you laughing?"

At times we find ourselves laughing without knowing why. We ask this question to ourselves.
Sometimes the Sisyphean tragedy bears heavy on our consciousness. Sometimes its the realisation that you have been racing on the wrong track the whole life. Sometimes, its pure exhaustion from living.

At  moments like this, laughter is the sound of an exasperated soul, close to its extinguishment, clamouring for life to sustain it.


"Why are you laughing?"

Sometimes its just a funny joke. :)


"why are you laughing?"

 Aha! the joy of realisation. Knowing what was unknown just a moment ago. A clarity coursing through our vision, a cloud condensing into a thought. The glory of an insight, the secret delivered as if by divine grace only to us.  Its the sound of the brain connecting dots, making sense of the world, making personal breakthroughs. 

At moments like these, laughter is the sound of a thought being born.


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