Urgent: India needs satire

I laugh at Anthony Scaramucci's exit. I get worried at US's implosion with the well written analyses. I know more about the dialysis infrastructure of US than that of India.
I see daily show, last week tonight and Stephen Colbert and see their sharp criticism of their governments and I despair. Not for US. But for India. Even when US has armed militias, its liberals are not silenced. If at all, they are more dogged in their determination to shine light on shady deals, powerful incompetence, racial subjugation, and so many other things that matter to US's citizen.
But our continent sized and a multiverse wide nation isn't as sharp in its defense against incompetent tyrant's plans.

The liberal media in US is so good that people outside of US also start to see the world from American perspective. Recently I saw a senior professor posting about 'our national security' while the article he was sharing was about US. He didn't even realise that he was parroting an alien (though useful) perspective,  as he internalized the happenings in US. He is far more worried about Trump taking away healthcare of Americans, than Modi taking away our fundamental rights.

People are way too malleable. And hence it is important that they either are not shaped by any polarised media at all, or by multiple polarised medias to counter biases and perspectives.

I mean what the current govt is doing in India is unprecedented. There has never been this concerted attack on civic liberties, minorities and journalism... and yet it does not manage to get the intelligentsia of India to do anything about it. We have great journalists in P. Sainath and others like him. What we need is John Olivers, Colberts and John Stuarts.

AIB tried it but its still a bit elitist with smaller reach. We need something with the reach of that terrible Kapil Sharma show, only much more intelligent and alive with satire and sarcasm.So who's ready to become the first martyr in the fight for informed Satire?


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