the momentum

So here's the thing - writing blogs is atleast ten times easier than writing a cohesive and engaging story. I am writing a series these days. Series because I am still not confident about writing one long novel (or even novella) sized story. I am starting small with small stories that are united by one context. Anyways, the point is, once I thought of the idea, I wrote the first two stories fairly quickly. I was 'in the flow'. I wrote it when I was busy at work and home too. 3-4 projects at work, chores at home and yet I could write these stories fairly quickly. Now I have the idea for the third and fourth (and a complete new set of ideas for another series), but I simply have not written 'anything' in the last two months. I have been less  busy at work in this time, and home chores are now more manageable now that we are settled in a routine. Yet, I struggle.
One of the reasons for it taking that long is my lack of confidence in the subject matter. I spent considerable time in researching about the people and the world of the people I was writing about. But I think, something gave away after a week. I mean, the playful elasticity of time being spent writing the first two stories, was broken somehow after spending too much time researching the material. I have the story in my mind - I can visualise it- but I am not interested in it as much. I must write it and I will.
The way to that 'willed writing' is through writing more, I think. Hence these succession of blogs. I have noticed that I write more when I am busier. It is easy to start something when you already are doing something than to start something when you are not doing much. The momentum helps.
So, here's to that momentum. 


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