Earth takes a break

Earth is annoyed with its children.
She wants to take a break. Go travel to some other solar system for a change. Perhaps check out that Andromeda Galaxy. She has heard great things about it for ages. She never gets to travel anywhere. What with all the suckling fumbling good-for-nothing children of hers. Arrogant and up-to-no good.
She sighs. She shudders. She melts. She thunders.
No matter how hard she tries, nothing seems to get across to her children. She thinks, its a phase. The children will grow out of their teenage angst. The shut doors of perception will open some day. hopefully.

For now, it is getting too much to handle for her. She is taking a break.
Mars agrees to babysit.
People wake up to find they can't breath on mars.

the end.


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