Tatkal: my new graphic story

My mind farts out ridiculous scenarios and stories all the time. Almost always, I brush them away and go on with the order of the day. Last Wednesday was different. Well, to begin with I had taken a day off in the middle of the week. But more importantly, I decreed to myself that nothing is silly or alternatively, everything is silly. There is no point in evaluating and judging on things that are yet to be created. One must go at least one step in the direction before deciding. So, here's a little silly story that i  am building now. 
Here are the first 8 pages of the story. The story will keep on growing here http://pinterest.com/thejinkatrip/tatkal/
Many of you are confused about the name. 'tatkal'. well, guess i will give away the plot of the story here, to ensure that you would remain interested in the story. 
its a story about this person who has a certain troubling feeling that he can't identify in the beginning, but soon realises that it was a feeling of him forgetting about a certain reservation for a travel that he was going to undertake. It turns out that it is not an usual journey nor an usual reservation. The reservation was made before he was born, and the journey will take him to worlds yet not known to him. Yet he grows to trust the feeling. 
so there you have it. that's the plot of the story. as of now, with the first 8 pages, I have only established the alien feeling.. the plot is yet to thicken. :) 


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