Busyness is the opium of the cubicle class

Free time is like a crack in the door of life.
With the walls of education and qualifications, we build a career-led life and push out emotion-led life. We fill the life at hand with busyness. you see, busyness adds that gilt to the walls that shine off the fluorescent light onto yourself and you feel that much happier for the moment. The sun wastes away outside, and you crank up that AC and sit inside under the flickering flouroscent magnificence.
But sometimes Time plays games with you. it doesn't supply that busy dead buzz. It just hangs there steadfast and resolute. It wants some undevided attention perhaps.
Busyness is the opium of the cubicle-dwellers. Can't let go of it. try to live without your cell phone for a few days.
What you gonna do, when time stays and stares at you? Through that crack, melancholy starts sipping in. The magnificence, you realise has an un-agreeable stench of loneliness to it. To sit in that gilded chair of importance of some abstraction, you had beaten to death the importance you had in life of other real people.
You push away the melancholy with busyness of your own making. But it doesn't go away one bit. It just solidifies into a dead weight inside your body, just below the ribcage.
why not just flow with the melancholy. its calling you outside the door. its not that bad. you will be fine. you will be.


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