men who live - I

Werner Herzog.
i see his work and unfailingly its such an inspiration.
firstly, he is a student of life. the way the camera stays, moves and even the way narrative is constructed, its as it were his humble attempt at understanding and empathising with a people rather than simply capturing and sensationalizing a certain emotion; like most others do. Without trying to compare myself to him - i am too small a cretin, yet, to do that - i would like to share an experience i had while watching his movie. a particular scene in his movie 'wheel of time' was so similar to one i had shot in mumbai of three children sitting by road. it was eery. and uplifting at the same time. i was touched :P
and he goes around the world and stares at people with open eyes and asks questions! his movie have been based in peru, antarctic, india, tibet, australia, africa.. !
and whats more, his politics is at the right place. his questions are humane. maybe its aborigines' struggle for recognition of their faith and land in his movie 'where the green ants dream', or his travel with dalai lama in a spiritual quest and the ensuing tibetan sovereignty question, or his excellent 'The blue yonder' movie narrated in a way that is so apt and so original.... all have strong politics associated to them, all with heart.

the first quarter of my life was pretty much sans a idol. i have begun finding a few now.. maybe because i have grown out of my cockiness and grown into being a little more humble. there are quite a few such ppl, will write about them subsequently here.


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