
confront. please.
i don't get it. why are we so politically correct all the time? why don't we ask questions? why aren't we curious about others? (in a way that allows you to grow, not as a means of cheap thrills) why do we avoid uncomfortable question like plague? why has all of a sudden 'feelings' become the most sacred and fragile existentional truth? fuck! poke it, knead it, let it hurt it.. u will be better off, believe me.
avoiding confrontation with others still is understandable, though its not healthy; avoiding confrontation with one self is suicide of your self image. if there has to be only one person whom you can be totally truthful, try and be it yourself please. you can't afford a disconnect. you have been hurt. you need some sympathy. having had some, get fuckin' over it and poke yourself as to what got you into this shit hole. don't get addicted to sympathy. there is no other thing as obscene as someone begging/stealing sympathy/attention.
if confrontation is to be a skirmish, let truth alone be your weapon.


Strider said…
It a dog eat Dog world out there mate.
I am sure you are aware of it. all you DO have is you. not even people closest to you are yours all the time. I am not sidelining the topic..
i am trying to say, whatever anybody does, is out of their own selfish motive. confrontations, whining for sympathy, posting about it, posting a comment on it, everything!
so whoever is doing whatever they do it coz they think its going to work out for the best...for them!
"lol" was for the truth weapon line...
the truth is, no one cares about "the truth". people (ALL) care about only what they want to hear and say and do and have.
Ajinkya said…
i agree. however what i said was in a different context.. a different assumption. what i wrote is more idealistic thing.. something to work towards.. while being aware of what you are saying.
so, i will work towards relations where people are strong enough to face up. i question with the objective of the reader questioning themselves.
Strider said…
like Aristotle?
no spoon mate... :)
i think i am getting more and more self centered...
i cant see any chance that i can change the world to what it "ideal" should be like. all i have is me. i need to change. and hope that this tiny mutation is carried over and preserved and multiplied as the society evolves. we evolve...
raghu said…
hehe, nah every coconut is tender inseide :)
Ajinkya said…
:P guess it is. and guess what, thats scares me the most! :P
Ajinkya said…
:P guess it is. and guess what, thats scares me the most! :P
raghu said…
hehe, nah every coconut is tender inseide :)

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