The sinister plan

I plan to be subprime this term. This is just a sinister plan to put the food supply and economy in MICA in jeopardy. Huhahahahahahaha.
Its term end. Chotta, TT, Parasbhai, MICAre et al would be in want of the payment of bills accrued in the semester. Doors will be banged. (oh btw, 2 days back, mysteriously, my room got locked from inside while i was out for breakfast. Earlier I thought, somebody must have got inside while I was out and must be busy terminating me on micamail. But after a few minutes wait, and a lil' banging when no response ensued, I had to take recourse to muscle museum. (hmm.. 'muscle museum' is a wrong usage here.. but wtf.. i just remember that song.. its by 'Muse'.. one of my all time fav bands) I kicked the door. thrice. and i broke open the bolt inside. :D ahh.. the pleasure of knowing oneself's strength :D. The receipt of which - the bent bolt. a prized possession. blah. )
students will be chased. reminder emails in capital letter would be sent.
But, if the plan follows through, i shall prove myself as subprime. not worthy of credit. and shall start off the domino effect that shall imperil the very economical foundation of MICA.
Once, chotta , TT, MICAre go bankrupt... people will start go hungry.. lose wieght. start sleeping early to wake up for breakfast in the mess. The end of MICA as we know it. There will be no reason for midnight strawl, no avenue to sharpen the pfaff skills outside of classroom. THE END IS NEAR.
10 years down the line, when students would wear uniforms! :O speak no expletives! :O :O and study :O :O :O the admin will have one person to thank. me. huhahahahaha..
and so on. (hail kurt vonnegut. Henceforth, wherever u may chance upon to read 'and so on'. remind urself of the great Kurt, for he coerced those words into different dimension altogether. )


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