say cheese :)

[This is a ridiculous story]


There's this huge evil alien. He is as big as Africa - a single living entity as large as a continent. (!imagine! with a double exclamation marks)  
He has a gazillion tentacles snapping around in circles. (!!I!! fulfilling a long held desire to abuse exclamation marks, before the end of the world. don't mind.) He rises slowly over the saffron horizon. and he laughs menacingly while rising up. (ridiculous, if you ask me.)

and he is shaking a Polaroid picture. (to the tune of Outkast's 'hey ya', no less)
Now, all that shaking of a Polaroid picture is creating tornadoes and storms and what not, not that he minds. That Polaroid is as large as Uttar Pradesh. a flat rectangle of a Uttar Pradesh. 

and while we are running for our lives (screaming, wide eyed with palms pasted to our cheeks), I realize that that Polaroid picture is not really a picture. well, not what we regard to as a picture. its more like the real deal flattened and cut-pasted on a huge cardboard. I can see some tiny tiny things (oh, they are people of my size.) trying to move before the gust of wind glues them shut onto the flat surface. buildings, trees, cars, rivers, dams...all flattened. all now reduced to being, just images. IMAGES. 

and a loud voice booms... 'Say cheeeeeeese..'

the end. 


Aparna said…
Gulp. Surreal and how.
I JUST LOVE the visualIzations :)
Ajinkya Pawar said…
thanks :) have never read Poe. what aspect if it reminds u of Poe?
Strider said…
well, its not entirely Poe-ish actually. Poe was much directly dark. this just goes Poe. Poe-lite if you will. Well painted wordscape of horrorland that lies behind our closed eyes.

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